ev2 AcCelerators
Acceleration Services
- Sustained Value Transformation through a bottom-up assessment and organizational redesign
- Developing roadmaps to lean, agile organization poised for Growh
- Optimizing Business Portfolio by divesting and/or improving under-performing and non-core business units or assets
- Evaluate stranded, troubled, distressed businesses and assets
- Executing Big-Bet initiatives to achieve lasting results
- Planning and executing to accelerate lasting bottom-line results
- Business Reinvention through Transformation
- Corporate Restructuring and Turnaround advisory
- Growth and Revenue Enhancement
- Performance Improvement for Investor Priorities
- Supply Chain Efficiencies
Finance and Accounting
Human Capital and Organizational Change
- Technology Transformation through a scalable, cost effective IT function that delivers you company’s strategic vision and priorities
- Execute Business transformation initiatives to realize benefits